This transcript is from the tower tapes at Polonia airport near the Indonesian city of Medan, which was the intended destination of the ill-fated Garuda International Airlines Flight 152.
The pilot is identified by his flight number, GIA 152. All other flights in the transcript are from domestic airlines: MNA 241, a landing Merpati flight; and BOU 683, a departing Bouraq flight.
NOTE: At one point, the air traffic controller calls the Merpati flight by the wrong number, using the GIA 152 callsign that designates the Garuda flight.
GIA 152: Medan approach, GIA 152 passing 150
ATC: GIA 152 radar contact 43 miles. Descend to 3000 feet for runway 05, reduce speed to 220.
GIA 152: Descent 3,000 for runway 05. Reduce speed 220 knots GIA 152.
GIA 152: Approach, GIA 152, request reason reduce speed above 10,000, 220 knots.
ATC: OK sir, your traffic departure sir, now start engine, release traffic departure at or before 27.
GIA 152: 152 Like to maintain 210 knots, 250 knots and below 10,000.
ATC: OK. It's approved.
Merpati plane: MNA 241 passing 10,000.
ATC: MNA 241 your position now 11 miles on W11 . Contact 1212. Happy landing.
Merpati plane: Selamat siang. Terima kasih. (Translation: Good afternoon. Thank you)
ATC: Any time.
GIA 152: GIA 152 3000.
ATC: GIA 152 maintain 3000 feet for a while. Maintain heading Medan VOR, traffic now still taxi runway 23 .
GIA 152: Maintain 3000.
ATC:Merpati 152 (the controller means GIA 152) your turn left heading 240 vectoring for intercept ILS runway 05 from right side . Traffic now about rolling
ATC: GIA 152 do you read?
GIA 152: GIA 152 Say again?
ATC:Turn left heading a (pause) 240,235. Now vectoring for intercept ILS runway 05.
GIA 152: Roger heading 235 GIA 152.
GIA 152: 152 heading 235. Confirm are we cleared from a (pause) mountainous area?
ATC: Affirm sir! Continue turn left on heading 215.
GIA 152: On heading 215 GIA.
Bouraq plane: Good afternoon, approach. BOU 683 departed left turn
ATC:BOU 683 continue turn left on heading 120 initial 2,000 feet
(One line missing from transcript).
ATC:GIA 152, turn right heading 046 report established localizer
GIA 152: Turn right heading 040 GIA 152 check established.
ATC: Turning right sir.
GIA 152: Roger 152.
ATC: 152 Confirm you're making turning left now?
GIA 152: We are turning right now.
ATC:152 OK you continue turning left now.
GIA 152: A (pause) confirm turning left? We are starting turning right now.
ATC: OK (pause) OK.
ATC: GIA 152 continue turn right heading 015.
GIA 152: (scream) Allahu akbar! (Translation: God is great!)#MENGERIKAN.!
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